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BI health check

Keep those data wheels turning and minds at ease with an annual business intelligence health check.

Data age and effectiveness

At the simplest level a BI Health Check will assess the maturity and effectiveness of your analytics environment and the realistic value of the information it’s serving you. With your business objectives in mind, we’ll help you determine the steps involved in optimising your environment, including how to futureproof the environment. The overall aim being to deliver the observations you need for business insight and growth.

3 step process

Step one is designed to provide us with a high level view of the data and analytics status quo in your business, and the key stakeholders. Step two takes a deep dive with detailed input from stakeholders. Step three reports on prospective steps, timeframes and gains from the activity.

Why Dot?

The Dot Group has more than 20 years’ experience in data management, modelling and optimisation. Our consultants are objective. Our recommendations are unbiased. That means you get genuine expertise with a proven track record and an open portfolio of technology and solutions to choose from.

How this works

Assess: Getting to know your business’s analytics environment, how it used and who by.

Roadmap: Understanding the granular interactions and requirements by those using it and the needs and wants of those who would like to.

Deliver: Providing a gant of options to reflect the analytics status quo and ambition alongside viable timeframes for the work as well as the business benefit.

Support: Keeping you and your data in check, year after year.